Note: click here for a full online help system with an index. Whenever I get a query I try to make the help clearer rather than post a reply here.
Updating your version or Reinstalling
Registration problem
Does it run on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10? 64-bit or 32-bit?
Administrator rights
What does my licence allow?
there an important difference between a key word with a keyness of 50
and another of 500?
Can WordSmith run on an Apple Macintosh?
How to process IPA phonetic symbols?
How to process
Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Greek, Russian etc?
How to install a site licence
How compatible are the files saved in different versions?
Problems with language-choosing
Converting PDFs
How should texts be tagged?
Writing to ask for help
See also : WordSmith 5 FAQs, WordSmith 4 FAQs and WordSmith 3.0 FAQs