Application Programming Interface
This API lets you write your own programs in C++, Visual Basic, etc, and access results from a .DLL which you can download here and should put with WordSmith.
It assumes you have a valid registered copy of WordSmith 4 and that you have placed the .dll in the same folder as the rest of WordSmith -- so that any other WordSmith routines can be found by the .dll. You may have to put your own program in there too. It does not use any windows or forms but works in the background.
Types you need to understand in order to access the API
Functions in the .DLL
Sample simple Program (Delphi 7) and accompanying form
This program gives a simple idea; naturally you would make your own and customise it to whatever you wanted it to do, but basically the API does allow you to generate concordances, word-lists and key-word lists, save them in standard WordSmith format, then access each entry, alter or re-sort them, save them in your own format, etc.
top left = the text files chosen;
bottom left = concordance lines from the search-word onwards;
right= collocates, total and their L5..R5 frequencies:
and for key words: