System Requirements
WordSmith Tools version 6 is for Windows 2000 or later, including Windows 7 (either 32 or 64-bit versions). It will be happiest on a fairly modern laptop or desktop PC (e.g. ones bought in the last 4 years). Or an Intel Mac. You will need 50 Mb disk-space and 512Mb of RAM as a minimum.
SAFE to install and run
Online help
Version details
If you bought WS5 any date after 1st April 2011, you should simply email sales at lexically.net showing evidence of your WS5 purchase (DATE OF PURCHASE, ORDER NUMBER, LICENCE ISSUED TO:, OTHER DETAILS:, REGISTRATION CODE:) and a free upgrade to WS6 will be issued.
Installation and Running WordSmith 6
If you download the self-extracting setup.exe file, just run it: it will help you expand the contents into c:\Program Files\wsmith6 or wherever you choose. All the files must be put in the same folder.
To install, all you need do is be sure you have all the files in the same folder. (Of course you can put your wordlists and concordances wherever you like, eg. in sub-folders of \wsmith6 or on quite different drives; you only need ensure all the program files -- the ones you downloaded -- are in the same place.)
To start using WordSmith 6, run \wsmith6\wordsmith.exe. You will be asked to agree to Terms & Conditions then will be taken to an updating window (\wsmith6\WSRegister.exe) which will allow you to type in the username and registration code. It'll also allow you to put an icon on your desktop.
If you have never used WordSmith, you may find it best to choose Help | Contents | Getting Started, or | Overview in the menu.