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WordSmith Tools Help

The point of it…

To save time typing in complex searches.

You may want to do a standard search repeatedly on different sub-corpora.

Or as Concord allows an almost unlimited number of entries, you may wish to do a concordance involving many search-words or phrases.


The space for typing in multiple search-words is limited to 80 characters (including / etc.). If your preferred search-words will exceed this limit or you wish to use a standardised search, you can prepare a file containing all the search-words.


How to do it…

A sample (Documents\wsmith8\concordance_search_words.txt) is included with the distribution files.

Use a Windows editor (e.g. Notepad) to prepare your own. Each one must be on a separate line of your file. No comment lines can be included, though blank lines may be inserted for readability.

If you want to require a context for a given word, put context:= as in this example:

book context:=hotel

(which seeks book and only shows results if hotel comes in the current collocate horizons).

If you want to specify different horizons for a particular line, use [[ and ]] as here:

book context:=hotel [[2,4]]

This restricts the context search for hotel to the span 2 words left of book and 4 words to the right.


Then, instead of typing in each word or phrase in the Search Word dialogue box, just browse for the file.

Then press Load to read the entries (or Clear if you change your mind).



tog_plus        concordancing from WordList, KeyWords etc.


Automated file-based concordances

If you want Concord to process a whole lot of different search-words, saving each result as it goes along so you can get a lot of work done with WordSmith unattended, choose SW Batch under Concordance Settings. See also: scripting.



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