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WordSmith Tools Help




Your choices here are 7:

1. cut out a header


2. make one change only

3. insert numbering

4. replace some problem characters or words

5. use a script to determine a whole set of changes. There is an sample to see.

6. process any multi-word units in the text using an underscore character, or mark them in your corpus, based on a multi-word unit text file.

7. Edit your texts to mark up sentence, paragraph and heading starts and ends, and/or to handle abbreviations.  


One change only

If you make one change only you type something into the left box which gets replaced by what is in the right box. In the case above Dorothy will get changed to <Tab>+DorothyDorothy. The tab was inserted simply by dragging it to the box above it, and when that happened {CHR(9)} appeared automatically being the syntax for a <Tab>. If you know the decimal number for a character you can specify it as {CHR(n)} or simply #n where n represents your number., that is, the word  will get a tab inserted to its left

With one change only you can see some further options: to force the search-and-replace to be case sensitive, to treat the search as a whole-word search, to cut out any cases where there is more than one space or more than one <Enter> (line-break or paragraph end), to treat the search as literal (see syntax) and to force the results into Unicode.

It might be best to check the confirm each box too if there's any danger of confusing two different Dorothies with each other.


tog_plus        safer: copy | copy unconverted too


tog_plus        Insert numbering


tog_plus        Replace any of these

See also: curly quotes, converting profile texts convert whole file, sample conversion file, syntax, Text Converter Contents.


Keyboard Navigation

F7 for caret browsing
Hold ALT and press letter

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