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Single words v. Clusters () in WordList

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WordList clusters

A word list doesn't need to be of single words. You can ask for a word list consisting of two, three, up to eight words on each line.



Here is a small set of 3-4word clusters involving the word money.




Some of them are plausible multi-word units. The number of words in each cluster gets inserted in the Set column.


How to do it

To do cluster processing in WordList, first make an index.

Then open the index. Now choose Compute | Clusters.




tog_plus        Words to make clusters from


tog_plus        What you see


tog_plus        Working constraints


tog_plus        Phrase frames



It's a word list


Finally, remember this listing is just like a single-word word list. You can save it as a .lst file and open it again at any time, separately from the index.


See also: clusters in single-word list, find the files for specific clusters, clusters in Concord