Your choices in handling tags and mark-up

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ignore all tags

Specify all the opening and closing symbols in Adjust Settings |Tags |Tags to Ignore and such tags will be simply left out of word lists and concordances, as if they weren't in the original text files.

example :


This will cut out all wording starting at each < symbol and ending at the next > symbol (up to 1,000 characters apart)


ignore some tags and retain others

If you want to ignore some but retain others, you will need to prepare a tag file which lists all those you want to keep. These will then appear in your word lists and concordances.

You get WordSmith Tools to read this text file in by choosing the Tag File menu option under Settings. Such tags will then be incorporated into your word lists, concordances, etc. as if they were ordinary words or suffixes.

example: supposing you've set <*> as "tags to ignore", but listed <title>, <body> and <conclusion> as tags to retain in your tag file, WordSmith will keep any instances of <title>, <body> or <conclusion> in your data but will ignore <introduction>, <Ulan Bator>, <threat>, etc.

Tags to retain will only be active if there's a filename visible and you have pressed the Load or Clear button. If you press Load, you will see which tags have been read in from the tag file.


translate entity references into other characters

If you use XML, SGML or HTML tagged text, you may want to translate symbols. For example, SGML, XML, HTML use &mdash; instead of a long dash. To do this, first prepare a Tag File which contains the strings you want to translate. Then choose Adjust Settings | Tags & Markup | Entity File (entities to be translated) and choose your entity file. WordSmith will then translate any entity references in this file into the corresponding characters.


to load up these tag files automatically

If you declare the appropriate filename in your defaults (wordsmith.ini) and include autoload tagfile=YES (or autoload tags to exclude file=YES, or autoload tags to translate file=YES), the markup-file will be automatically loaded as WordSmith starts up.


See also: Guide to handling the BNC, Overview of Tags, Making a Tag File, Showing Nearest Tags in Concord, Tag Concordancing, Types of Tag, Viewing the Tags, Using Tags as Text Selectors, Tags in WordList

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