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WordSmith Tools Help


While Aligner is not a full word-processor, some editing facilities have been built in to help deal with common formatting problems:



Find: lets you search for a term and have that highlighted in the text.

Join up, down: these buttons merge a line with another one. You can achieve this also by simply dragging.

Split: allows you to choose where a line should be divided in two.

Cut blank lines: removes excess blank lines.

Oddities: this identifies cases where e.g. a sentence or paragraph does not start with a capital letter or number -- you will probably want to join it to the one above, or where a line is unusually short, etc.

Abbreviations: if Aligner cuts sentences at e.g. Mr. you can re-join by tying in search terms such as Mr. Mrs. Sr.

Refresh: tidies up the text display.


edit data menu option

Use Edit data to get a window allowing you to edit the whole of the current sentence or paragraph.

Use Copy (Ctrl/C) to copy the whole text, to copy one line, or copy one word.

And Save as TXT, RTF to get the aligned text into Word or Excel.


#: switches on and off line numbering.

Heading: allows you to treat a line as a heading, and if so makes it look bold.


You will then want to save (Ctrl+F2) your text.


You can also:

open a new file for viewing (you can open any number of text files within Viewer & Aligner)

copy to the clipboard (Control/C)

print the whole or part of the currently active text file

search for words or phrases (press F12)



Keyboard Navigation

F7 for caret browsing
Hold ALT and press letter

This Info: ALT+q
Nav Header: ALT+n
Page Header: ALT+h
Topic Header: ALT+t
Topic Body: ALT+b
Exit Menu/Up: ESC