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WordSmith Tools Help

The Find window looks like this, a reduced form of the Colour Categories window.




The data column refers to the column of data you wish to search.

The formula is what sort of search you want. In the case of text = X if you type miracle into the X box, you will see the condition specified in bold type.


category_search miracle


a whole-word search will be carried out looking for miracle.


category_search miracle found


There are different formulae showing depending on the data.


category_search alternatives


If the selected column is a Concordance column, you get options like these:



but if it's a numerical column you will see different options.




When you have chosen, press OK. You can add a further requirement if you like by choosing and/but not/or and pressing the Additional button:



Now press Find or Find all.



Here, Find was pressed, a hit was found at row 126 and the concordance was scrolled to it:



Find All?

This counts all rows where there is a hit and shows a total.




Keyboard Navigation

F7 for caret browsing
Hold ALT and press letter

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