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The point of it...

The idea is to be able to see a selected collocate highlighted in the concordance. In the first example, the texts were Shakespeare plays and search word was love. One of the collocates is HATE, occurring a total of 20 times in 12 plays.


hate as collocate of love

Double-clicking 8 in the Total Right column to the right of HATE, we see this in the concordance:


hate as right collocate of love

We have brought to the top of the concordance those 8 lines which contain HATE to the right of LOVE.


How to do it


In a collocates window or a patterns window, simply double-click the item you wish to highlight. Or select it and choose Compute | Collocates | Highlight selected.


In the collocates window, if you click



what you get

the Word column or

the Total column

all instances of the word

Total Left

those to the left (12 in the case of HATE above)

Total Right

those to the right (8)

a statistics column

all words whose score is above or equal to the cell selected




those in that column only


To get these items highlighted using a different concordance of love (not Shakespeare this time), I first examined the collocates sorted by descending Log Ratio values. I double-clicked on the number 5.64 in the row with SWANS.


Log_R collocates of LOVE

The options presented were these:


collocate highlight options


All the terms from SWANS to the top of the Log_R column are included. I pressed SHOW.


Log R collocates of LOVE highlighted


The top 14 lines (only) are highlighted. Lines 1 and 2 have two hits where a word is linked by Log Ratio statistic to love, the others only one.


Another example

I selected FOULNESS as a Log R collocate in a Shakespeare plays concordance of love. A number of other terms appeared in the options, and I rejected all but the most negative-seeming.

negative collocates of LOVE options


negative collocates of LOVE shakespeare


To get rid


Re-sort in a different way.


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