Prepare your Text Converter conversion file using a plain text editor such as Notepad.
You could use Documents\wsmith7\convert.txt as a basis.
If you have accented characters in your original files, use the DOS editor to prepare the conversion file if they were originally written under DOS and a Windows editor if they were written in a Windows word-processor. Some Windows word processors can handle either format.
There can be any number of lines for conversion, and each one can contain two strings, delimited with " " quotes, each of up to 80 characters in length.
The Text Converter makes all changes in order, as specified in the Conversion File. Remember one alteration may well affect subsequent ones.
Alterations that increase the original file
Most changes reduce the size of an original. But Text Converter will cope even if you need to increase the original file -- as long as there's disk space!
To get rid of the <Enter> at line ends but not at paragraph ends, first examine your paragraph ends to see what is unique about them. If for example, paragraphs end with two <Enters>, use the following lines in your conversion file:
"{CHR(13)}{CHR(10)}{CHR(13)}{CHR(10)}" -> "{%%}"
(this line replaces the two <Enters> with {%%} .) (It could be any other unique combination. It'll be slightly faster if you make the search and the replacement the same length, as in this case, 4 characters)
"{CHR(13)}{CHR(10)}" -> " "
(this line replaces all other <Enters> with a space, to keep words separate)
"{%%}" -> "{CHR(13)}{CHR(10)}{CHR(13)}{CHR(10)}"
(this line replaces the {%%} combination with <Enter><Enter>, thus restoring the original paragraph structure)
(this line cuts out all redundant spaces)
See also: sample conversion file, syntax, Text Converter Contents.