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source text(s)

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The point of it...

The aim is to be able to see the whole text file your data came from, with some relevant words highlighted.


How to do it

The Concord and KeyWords tools both have areas which can show the source texts which your data was produced from, visible by choosing the source texts tab, if your texts are still where they were when the data analysis was done. (If they have been moved you can try editing the Filenames data to correct this.)


In Concord, you need to double-click the relevant concordance line to get the source text to show. In each case the relevant key or search words will be highlighted if possible.

In KeyWords you'll see the source text in the source texts tab space, or if there are various source texts listed in a special window (shown below).


Menu options (right-click to see these)



Copy, Print, Save  

As their names suggest these menu items let you copy, save or print any text you've selected or the whole text. For saving you will get a chance to decide whether as plain text or as Rich Text Format (.RTF) preserving font and colour information.


Highlight words

Gets the key words (or search-words in Concord) highlighted so you can see each in its context and can go from one to the next.


Next, Previous  

These jump you through the text one highlighted word at a time. You should see how many highlighted there are in the status bar.


Grey markup, Clear markup, Restore markup  

Grey markup lets you grey out all < > sections.



Clear markup simply cuts the tags out.




Once you have cut out markup, the clear markup option changes to restore markup (needed if Concord is to jump to the correct location).


Greying out mark-up is quite slow if the text is extensive. This shot shows its progress:


Double-clicking the status bar gives you a chance to stop the process.


KeyWords List of Source Texts



If you right-click this window, you get a chance to see which texts contain which key words



by clicking Frequencies, giving results like this:



and if you double-click a highlighted word (THINK in the example above), you will be shown the source text (A01.txt) with that word highlighted.


KW_source_texts_with_detail(A) shown

If you simply click the file-name



you get to see the text with all its key words highlighted.


KW_source_texts_with_detail(B) shown

See also: modify source texts