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Step-by-step guide to WordSmith

Navigation: WordList

Making a Word List

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To make a word list, first press the WordList button in the main Controller.        



When WordList starts up, choose your texts and then you will see something like this.        




Here we're going to make one simple word-list based on 2 text files (the plays Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet), so press Make a word list now.        




The WordList tool shows us a frequency listing. The most frequent words are THE, AND, TO, etc.. Beside each one you can see how frequent it is in the collection of 2 texts we used, the percentage of running words, and how many of our 2 texts each word occurred in.


To see the words in alphabetical order instead, click the alphabetical tab near the bottom of the window.        




Now scroll down to wherefore. There are 8 cases of this word, that is 0.01% of the running words of the two plays; it is present in both plays, not just one.