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Step-by-step guide to WordSmith

Navigation: Concordancing

Concordancing Tagged Text (2)

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Now, we are going to do a concordance on a part of speech. The BNC uses mark-up like this:        


<w c5="NN1"...>        


to signal singular count nouns. If you want to get all the singular count nouns put

<w c5="NN1" * *>*

as your search word. WordSmith checks whether the angle-brackets are text characters or tag-openers and -closers:        




Here we answer Yes, and you will get stuff like this:



and if you choose to hide the undefined tags using this menu choice:




you get this:



If you searched on

<w c5="NN1" * *>love

you'd get only singular count noun instances of the word love (so no verb uses)

