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Handling the British National Corpus 

Navigation: BNC Mark-up > Entities

Types of entity and how to handle them

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In this section of text A0T, there are two entity tags which I've highlighted.


<s n="131"><c PUQ>&bquo;<w DT0>Most <w NN2>churches <w VBB>are <w AV0>completely <w AJ0>unprepared

<w PRP>for <w AT0>the <w NN1>shock <w PRF>of <w VVG>finding <w AT0>an <w AJ0>established <w NN1>member

<w PRF>of <w AT0>the <w NN1>congregation <w VBZ>is <w VVN>infected <w PRP>with <w NP0>HIV <w CJC>or

<w VVG-AJ0>dying <w PRP>with <w NN1>AIDS<c PUN>, <w CJS>even though <w DT0>this <w VBZ>is

<w AV0>increasingly <w AJ0>common<c PUN>.<c PUQ>&equo;


These represent quotation marks, single beginning and ending quotes.


What a nuisance!

Entity tags like this are hard to read and you may want to get them replaced with readable symbols.

In WordSmith, you can use Text Converter to copy the BNC into a more useful format permanently or else you can convert them on the fly each time you use the corpus.


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