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WordSmith Tools Help


Visible by clicking the Overall Statistics tab at the bottom of a WordList window:



To save these overall statistics, use the right-click menu item Copy.


Individual results are in the next tab.  




Statistics include:

number of files involved in the word-list

file size (in bytes, i.e. characters)

running words in the text (tokens)

tokens used in the list (would be affected by using a stoplist or changes to minimum settings)

sum of entries: choose Compute | Tokens to see, otherwise this will be blank

no. of different words (types)

type/token ratios

no. of sentences in the text

mean sentence length (in words)

standard deviation of sentence length (in words)

no. of paragraphs in the text

mean paragraph length (in words)

standard deviation of paragraph length (in words)

no. of headings in the text (none here because WordSmith didn't know how to recognise headings)

mean heading length (in words)

no. of sections in the text (here 480 because WordSmith only noticed 1 section per text)

mean section length (in words)

standard deviation of heading length (in words)

numbers removed

stoplist tokens and types removed

the number of 1-letter words


the number of n-letter words (to see these scroll the grid horizontally)


(14 is the default maximum word length. But you can set it to any length up to 50 letters in Word List Settings, in the Settings menu.) Longer words are cut short but this is indicated with a + at the end of the word.

The number of types (different words) is computed separately for each text. Therefore if you have done a single word-list involving more than one text, summing the number of types for each text will not give the same total as the number of types over the whole collection.


Tokens used for word list

In these data, there were over a few tokens not used, further down in the table look for numbers removed, stoplist tokens removed, stoplist types removed.


MS Word's word count is different!

The number of tokens found is affected by your settings such as treatment of numbers, hyphens and mid-word letter settings (e.g. the apostrophe). For that reason you may well find that different programs give different values for the same text. (Besides, in the case of MS Word we are not told how a "word" is defined...)



Sum of entries can be computed after the word-list is created by choosing Compute | Tokens


and will show the total number of tokens now available by adding the frequencies of each entry (you may have deleted some).


See also : WordList display (with a screenshot), Summary Statistics, Starts and Ends of Text Segments, Recomputing tokens.


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