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WordSmith Tools Help



You will probably only need to do this once, when you first use WordSmith Tools.


How to get here

The Language Chooser is accessed from the main WordSmith Controller menu: Settings | Main Settings | Text and Languages | Other Languages.


What you will see may look like this:




On the right, there are the currently chosen languages for use with WordSmith. The default language should be marked #1 and others which you might wish to use with *. Here, 7 languages have been chosen already.


To change the status of a chosen language, click the radio button at the top. To delete any unwanted language, right-click and choose "delete". To add a language, drag it from the left window to the right, then set the font and treatment you prefer for that particular language.


For each chosen language, you can specify any symbols which can be included within a word, e.g. the apostrophe in English, where it makes more sense to think of "don't" as one word than as "don" and "t". You can also specify whether a hyphen separates words or not (e.g. whether "self-conscious" is to be considered as 2 words or 1).


At the bottom you will see what the fonts on your system are for the current language selected. Each time you change language, the list of fonts available changes.


Some languages do not mark word-separators.


See also : Language, Font,Other Languages, saving your choices, Changing the language of saved data