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Navigation: KeyWords

Plots and Key-word Links

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The point of it…

is to find out which key-words are most closely related to a given key-word.

A plot will show where each key word occurs in the original file. It also shows how many links there are between key-words.


What are links?

Links are "co-occurrences of key-words within a collocational span". An example is much easier to understand, though:

Suppose the word elephant is key in a text, and that water is also a key word in the same text. If elephant and water occur within a span of 5 words of each other, they are said to be "linked". The number of times they are linked like this in the text will be shown in the Links window.

The link spans (like collocation horizons) go from 1 word away to up to 25 words to left and right. The default is 1 to 5.


What you see

This is a key words list based on Romeo and Juliet, using all the 37 Shakespeare plays as the reference corpus.



This Links window shows a number of key words followed by the number of linked types (18 here) the total number of hits of the key word (ROMEO) and then the individual linked key words.


Show them all in detail

Double-click any one item in the Linked KWs column and you will see its details listed:



ROMEO has 18 linked words; it's linked 18 times with JULIET, 9 times with TYBALT'S, etc. A right-click menu lets you copy or print these details.


The procedure is text-oriented. You can only get a keywords links list if there is exactly one source text.


See also: Plot calculation, KeyWords clusters, Source Text