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Navigation: KeyWords > settings

database settings

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The settings are found in the main Controller, KeyWords tab, sub-tab Database.


Texts here refers to files, assuming 1 file - 1 text.



min. frequency: the default is 10. Any key words which occur in fewer texts won't be included.

min. KWs per text: default = 5. If a set of key words from the same file is smaller it will be ignored,



min. texts: (default = 5). For associates to get computed, they must appear in at least this many texts.

statistic: when computing associates, you can require the linkage between the node term in the database and associates, measured using a particular statistic (such as MI3) to meet or exceed a minimum strength (such as 5.0).  


clump match %:

max. followup items:

compute followup scores:


See also: database, associates.