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Join text files

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This is a sub-program for joining small text files into bigger ones. You might want this because you aren't interested in the different texts individually but are only interested in studying the patterns of a whole lot of texts.


When you choose Joiner you will see something like this:




End of text marker

The symbol which will act as an end-of-text separator: eg. [FF] or <end of story> or </Text> or !# or [FF*] or [FF?????]. The end-of-text marker will come at the beginning of a line in the original large file. If it includes # this will be replaced by the number of the text as the texts are processed.


Folder with files to join

Where the small files you want to be merged are now. They will not get deleted -- you must merge them into the Destination folder.


and sub-folders too

Check this if you want to process sub-folders of the "folder with files to join".


file specifications

The kinds of text files you want to merge, eg. *.* or *.txt or *.txt;*.ctx.


Destination Folder

Where you want the small files to be copied and merged to. (You'll need write permission to access it if on a network.)


recreate same sub-folders as source

If checked, creates the same structure as in the source. In the example, all the sub-folders of d:\text\guardian_cleaned will be created below d:\text\guardian_joined.


one text for each folderful

if checked, a whole folderful of source texts will go into one text file in the destination.


Max. size (Kbytes)

The maximum size in kilobytes that you want the each merged text file to be. 1000 means you will get almost 1 megabyte of text into each. That is about 150,000 words if there are no tags and the text is in English. This only applies if one text for each folderful isn't checked.


Stop button

Does what it says on the caption.


See also: Splitter, Text Converter index.