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WordSmith Tools Help

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You can get WordSmith to compute some results simply by dragging.



If you have WordList open you can simply drag a text file onto it from Windows Explorer and it will create a word-list there and then using default settings. Or if it is not open, drag your text file to the WordList8.exe file. Here, Hamlet is being dragged onto the WordList tool.






If you have KeyWords open you can simply drag a text file onto it from Windows Explorer. If you have a valid word list set as the reference corpus, it will compute the key words.

Or if it is not open, drag your text file to the KeyWords8.exe file, as in this screenshot where the Dickens novel Dombey and Son.txt is being dragged onto the KeyWords file.




If you drag a word-list made by WordList (.LST ending), a concordance (.CNC), a key word list (.KWS) etc. onto the Controller, it will open it with the appropriate tool.