This function allows you to specify a word or phrase, look for it in each file, and if it's found move that file into a new folder.
The point of it …
Suppose you have a whole set of files some of which contain dialogues between Pip and Magwich, others containing references to the Great Wall of China or the anatomy of fleas. You want those with the Pip-Magwich dialogues and you want them to go into a folder called Expectations.
How to do it
1. Click on the Filters tab (at the top).
2. Now the Activated checkbox.
3. Specify a word or phrase the text must contain. This is case sensitive. In this case Magwich has been specified.
4. Choose whether that word or phrase has to be found
•anywhere in the text,
•anywhere before some other word or phrase, or
•between 2 different words or phrases.
5. Decide what happens if the conditions are met:
•nothing, i.e. ignore that text file
•copy to a certain folder, or
•move to that folder, or
•delete the file (careful!).
Action options
•You can also decide to build sub-folder(s) based on the word(s) or phrase(s) you chose in #3. (The idea is to get your corpus split up into useful sub-folders whose names mean something to you.) If build sub-folder is not checked everything goes into the copy to or move to folder.
•And you may have the program add .txt (useful if as with the BNC there are no file extensions) and/or convert it to Unicode.
•You could also have any texts not containing the word Magwich copied to a specified folder.
The load BNC World and load BNC XML buttons are specific to those two editions of the BNC and read text files with similar names which you will find in your Documents\wsmith7 folder.
See also: Text Converter Contents.