Database of Key Key-words

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KeyWords > KeyWords database


(default file extension .KDB)


The point of it…

The point of this database is that it will allow you to see the "key-key-words" in your set of files. That is, the key-words which are most frequent over a number of files.

For example, if you have 500 business reports, each one will have its own key words. These will probably be of two main kinds. There will be key-words which are key in one text but are not generally key (names of the firms and words relating to what they individually produce); and other, more general words (like consultant, profit, employee) which are typical of business documentation generally.

By making up a database, you can sort these out. The ones at the top of the list, when you view them, will be those which are most typical of the genre. The list is ordered in terms of "key key-ness" but can be toggled into alphabetical order and back again.


You can set a minimum number of files that each word must have been found to be key in, using Settings | KeyWords | Database.


When viewing a database you will be able to investigate the associates of the key key-words.

Under Statistics, you will also be able to see details of the key words files which comprise the database (file name and number of key words per file), together with overall statistics on the number of different types and the tokens (the total of all the key-words in the whole database including repeats).


See also : Creating a database, Definition of key key-word