December 1910 Labour Party General Election Manifesto You are again being asked to return a majority pledged to remove the House of Lords as a block in the working of our Constitution. Do it, and do it emphatically. The Lords must go But you ought not to allow this to cover up the questions in which you are specially interested. The iniquitous Osborne Judgement The iniquitous Osborne Judgement, which deprives organised Labour of the power to protect itself by political action, either locally or nationally, must be reversed. Do you think that you protect yourselves if the doors of the House of Commons are closed to You? The Osbourne Judgement is only the latest example of Judge-made Law, from which you have already suffered so much. Payments to members You should also support payment of Members which, with the reversal of the Osborne Judgement, is now the Charter of the Trade Unionist. The New Parliament, will be called upon to deal with the right to work; sickness insurance, land reform; adult suffrage; Poor Law reform; factory inspection; medical treatment for school children. None of these subjects can be properly considered unless there is a strong and independent Party of Labour sitting in the House of Lords. Let all petty differences go to the four winds. Now is the time to unite. The poverty of one is the poverty of all. Let those who suffer join to remove their suffering. It can be removed in no other way. The Labour Party appeals to you to stand by yourselves and vote for the Labour candidates.