Bundles -- these are sets of individual licences for a group of friends to get, or for an institution to buy either for permanent use or to transfer to succeeding generations of students.

These bundles can be

  • permanent, or
  • time-limited

The price for each of the two types is the same and they're both purchased here. The registration codes are sent out to you by email within a maximum of 2 working days. You can specify the usernames a little text file which you send us by email, or as a general class username.


The software is granted to each person on a permanent basis. As long as the user has a computer which will run the software it's valid.


With one purchase, many succeeding groups of students get to use the software. The purchase itself is permanent but each student's use of it is time-limited. The software is granted to each person on a temporary basis by a bona-fide institution such as a university. After a specific period of time the software installed on that student's laptop reverts to demo mode. The institution controls re-issue of time for the number of licences bought. This suits a university which wishes, for example, to give some students a code for a year and then give a new set of students a code for the next year.

Essentially you're buying 10 licences in one purchase but can think of them as quite separate from each other and each one can be managed when it stops independently of the others.

Example: your University buys 10. You decide to have numbers 1-4 start today and run for 8 weeks only; numbers 5 & 6 start today and are completely unlimited for permanent staff; you let numbers 7-10 start today and run till 31 December this year. After 8 weeks you re-licence 4 more people, because the licences for 1-4 have run out. (You don't need to tell students 1-4 to do anything; when they try to use WS on their laptops it goes into demo mode after the limit you set, automatically). At that time you only re-licence those 4 people of course because the others still have valid licences. On 1st Jan you can re-issue the licences for numbers 7-10 but decide to let number 7 run permanently thereafter so you re-licence his/hers till the year 2500, let's say, but you licence 8-10 for a further six months to June 30.

Licence Validity

Either way, the organisation's title to the number of licences purchased is valid forever and for all users of it the software can be updated freely (File | Web Version Check) as often as the user likes while it still develops (ie. until there is a new major version). It will be available at the Lexical Analysis Software website for the foreseeable future. (* I do not however guarantee to continue supplying it myself or supporting it personally in the year 2500.)

See also: network versus individual licences