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Navigation: Concord

Concordancing using Tags

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The point of it…

Suppose you're interested in identifying structures of a certain type (as opposed to a given word or phrase), for example sequences of Noun+Noun+Noun. You can type in the tags you want to concordance on (with or without any words).




How to do it…

In Concord's search-word box, type in the tags you are interested in. Or define your tags in a tag-file.



It doesn't matter whether you are using a tag file or not, since WordSmith will identify your tags automatically. (But not by magic: of course you do need to use previously tagged text to use this function.)


Are you concordancing on tags?

If you are asked this and your search-word or phrase includes tags, answer "Yes" to this question. If not, your search word will get " " inserted around each < or > symbol in it, as explained under Search Word Syntax.


Case Sensitivity

Tags are only case sensitive if your search-word or phrase is. Search words aren't (by default). So in example 1, you will retrieve table and Table and TABLE if used as nouns (but nothing at all if no tags are in your source texts).


Hide Tags?

After you have generated a concordance you may wish to hide the mark-up. See the View menu for this.


See also: Overview of Tags, Handling Tags, Showing Nearest Tags in Concord, Search word or phrase, Types of Tag, Viewing the Tags, Using Tags as Text Selectors