Search Word and Advanced Settings



Search Word or Phrase and/or Tag

Type the word or phrase Concord will search for when making the concordance, or (below) the name of a file of search words. You may also choose from a history list of your previous search words. For details of syntax, see Search Word Syntax or the set of examples shown in this screenshot:




If you want to do many concordances in a file-based search, first prepare a small text file containing the search words, e.g. containing



the other


Press the file button to locate your text file, the press the Load button. This will then change its name to something like Clear 4, where 4 means as in the example above that there are 4 different search-words to be concordanced. See "Batch" below for details on saving each one under a separate filename, otherwise all the searches will be combined into the same concordance.


tog_minus        Advanced searches


Other settings affecting a concordance are available too:

see WordSmith Controller Concordance Settings; Typing characters,

Accented characters; Choosing Language, Context Word(s) & Context Search Horizons


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